The Bait and Switch

The Bait and Switch

This may book may not be what you thought it would be.  There are plenty of publications that address AI from a development angle, a commercial angle and even from a philosophical angle.  This book addresses AI from a governance perspective (If a tree hears the word governance in a forest, does it still make a yawn?) Yeah, don’t put this down yet.  Governance in AI involves those algorithms we mentioned earlier, those calculations that culminate in decision the drive actions that work in our favor.

These calculations are incredibly intriguing.  Let me give you an example: Say for instance, the biomonitors I your clothing do, in fact, detect a pending stroke.  What’s to keep your shirt from letting you die? Maybe the governing algorithms calculate your weight, alcohol consumption and genetic history and conclude that the best decision is to let the stroke occur so that your heart can be given to another person with higher probability of happiness?  Just as my Nest thermostat can sense when I’m coming home and adjust take action, what keeps my bio-monitor from sensing a heart attack or stroke and not taking action?  The answer is AI governance.  Still want to put this book down?

About the Author colinwynd

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