Smart versus Intelligent

Smart versus Intelligent

Most of what we know about AI know comes from two sources: the brainiacs inventing the technologies we that will use AI in the future.  No, not all of them will be human-like robots. AI will be embedded in all the tools we use.  Our watches, our glasses, our clothes, our automobiles, our appliances, will all use AI in their processors.  Numerous government, education and private sector companies are pioneering AI as, yes, robotic devices, but also as logic delivered as apps that will perpetuate across every technology we use, via the Internet of Things (IOT).

The second source of AI documentation comes from literature.  Yeah, good ol’ SCI FI will always been one step ahead of us. Many of us are, in fact, wearing Dick Tracy’s watch.  Our tasers are Star Trek phasers set to stun. And boy oh boy, if Jules Verne could see us now! Those things we once called science fiction are now, in fact, science fact, begging the question, what’s next?

The answer is simple.  Today all our devices smart but in the not too distant future, our phones, cars, refrigerators, etc., etc. will be intelligent, where the tools we take for granted will use algorithmic logic to help us in every way possible be…what?  Be happy.


What we are seeing with AI is that it’s being implemented in many different ways. Each industry segment are actively looking at how to leverage AI technology into their business. AI technologies are being implemented as a competitive advantage; a way to reduce costs or enabling improve customer relationship.  With the explosion in different algorithms and the sheer amount of Open Source Software that is available for use, it’s a race for businesses to leverage AI to keep up with the competition.


The competition is apparent in consumer industries – Google’s Home, Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa are examples of this, but it’s also permeating into multiple other businesses such as healthcare, finance and travel.


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